Wednesday, November 04, 2009

The Kitty Cat is Fine

Just in case you'd heard something different...I don't know if she was successful in holding the press conference to protest her appalling treatment of today.

CoolGuy went back east last night, so this morning when I left for school at 7:30 A.M., she was left alone with her crunchy food dish filled, her automatic water bowl, and the freshly filled litter box. She was deep in slumber on the bed.

However, I couldn't return until 7:45 P.M. because of my college class, so I wasn't sure if I'd be met at the door by her attorney, or the ASPCA, or what. So, I'm just saying, she is fine. The kitty chicken was served. She has been outdoors, and is now back on the bed.

Exhausted, I'm sure by the traumatic afternoon with no one here to serve her at 5:00.

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