Wednesday, October 22, 2008

It's Gamma!

That was the reaction of my two year old grandson, said my daughter, as they watched me in the mid-afternoon win a little money on t.v. I watched tonight in my city (it comes on at different times everywhere) and I didn't look as nervous as I felt. That's good!

You see, when they revealed each question, I quickly had an idea what the choices might be, and when those choices didn't pop up in the answer slots, then my brain was very confused, and I couldn't think. It wasn't so confused it couldn't recognize that the timer was relentlessly ticking down to zero, however.

So, even though, watching at home, you are sitting there calmly munching chips, saying "Oh, it's______[fill in the blank]", the contestant is panicking and thinking "WHAAAAT??? What were they asking??? These aren't what I expected!!! ARRRGGHHH!!!" ...for a millisecond, and then you suck in some air and say, "Oh, C--final answer" with a big smile. And everyone cheers and Meredith smiles and you think, "Whew--still alive" and hope the butterflies in your stomach don't suddenly all come flying out, accompanied by your lunch.

Tomorrow: watch the grand finale, as she urges the butterflies to continue hovering, quietly, down there.

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