Saturday, October 18, 2008

In The Wind

Someone asked me if I wear a helmet when motorcycling. Yes, I do. Because I would get a ticket if I didn't. If I lived in a state without a law requiring helmet use, I would not wear the helmet.

The first 15 years of my riding career happened in California before they passed the mandatory helmet use law. So, my standard, my norm, is hair in the wind. I always braided it and wore a bandana headband to keep the loose ends from flying about. Coolguy owned a helmet, because it was required to get onto the Navy base. But we did not wear helmets off-base. My friend was taken aback that I would not wear the helmet if riding in a state without a helmet law.

I know why she was shocked: I always wear my seatbelt, I always used babyseats in my car, I brush my teeth and floss every day, I'm totally a rule keeper normally. It seems completely out of character to her that I would thumb my nose at "common sense" in this area. It is seemingly irrational.

But if you ever rode out in the wind without that sweaty, annoying helmet with the pinching strap, you'd know why and it would seem completely sensible and ought to be the norm. There's an old motto from 20-30 years ago: Let Those Who Ride, Decide. Yeah.

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