Thursday, July 21, 2011

The Party's Over...

...It's time to call it a day...That is from some old song. I don't even know what the song was about, or the tone or mood. But our week-long Grandma Camp has been really a blast!

Yesterday, we ate breakfast, I scrubbed the floors and vacuumed while they were consumed by Club Penguin. Then we had pool time--I was ready to cool off from all that work. We came in and showered and shampooed and had lunch. Then, I did some computer work while they played games. This was followed by a small snack and then we drove over to the airport.

Uncle GuitarMan came! He's here to go to a family reunion this weekend up north and so we splurged once more and went to the Tournament of Kings! It was quite good too, the food was just so-so. But, hey--we got to eat with our fingers and were invited to raise our tankards in toasts over and over throughout the show. Actually, the first course of tomato soup was really delicious. The chickens were not bad, either. But when  you've got to serve 100's of people all at the same time, while horses are racing around in the arena behind you, the cusine is not the main attraction.

Yes, horses! Fireworks! Dancing wenches! Handsome knights! evil dragons! Jousting! Sword fights! Whew, those guys have a very physically demanding job. You can tell they practice because the swinging maces landed on the shields every time without a single miss or actual decapitation. Really, it was all very entertaining. I'd go again with the other grandchild who didn't get to join us this year. Pretty cool. Plus--we got a sword!

1 comment:

B.G. Christensen said...

Looks like Little Dude has shaved...