Saturday, May 14, 2011

Two Feet Week

Well, I went from 0 to 60 on Monday morning this week. Whew...I'm dead tonight. (I see that it is after midnight, so blogger says it is Saturday, but for me it is still Friday.)  After laying around for six weeks, I just jumped back into the jet stream of school teaching and discovered I was out of shape. Not only was I physically flabby, I was a little slow mentally to leap back into the grind, also. But, I survived the first week.

Look what I got from one of my students the day I returned; it's a dozen, long-stemmed:

I also got many hugs and happy greetings: (think squeal) "IT'S MRS. [EarthSignMama]!! SHE'S BACK!! Seriously, teaching little kids is so gratifying because they really are happy to see you return when you've been out.

We adjusted to one another rather quickly, however, and I was giving the Teacher Stink Eye by early afternoon. I took over for the fifth grade teacher on Tuesday, because all of Fourth Grade went on a field trip, and I just knew that it would have been ridiculous for me to try that. Even former students were happy to have me back.

It's been no slack this whole week. Monday, Wednesday and Friday I had physical therapy. Tuesday evening was a Relief Society Visiting Teaching conference and I was the speaker. Then Wednesday night, I helped out with the MIA Maid class activity, and immediately afterward stayed for a one hour roadshow brainstorming meeting with two other sisters. We came up with a great idea and I'm to write the script so that we can submit it for approval on May 29th. ---I'm telling you: breathless. (Write the script--no problem; just don't ask me to create scenery or costumes.)

Actually, by Thursday night, I realized that my foot wasn't in much pain. It still swells up quite a bit each day, which I try to ameliorate by wearing compression stockings. But I felt fine walking on it Thursday afternoon, and that was unexpected. Of course, I'm walking really slowly, and I prop it up whenever possible. I'm faithful with my stretching and massaging in between PT visits. I'm eager to heal. When I go back on June 13th, I want the doctor to say, "Let's lose the boot, okay?"  By then, it will be almost six months of it, and, believe me, I'll be ready to lose it!

Here I am showing off my two feet, both touching the floor, with my weight evenly distributed. And, I'm not using any appliances to stand there, you'll notice.  Whooo-hoooo!!

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