Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Pant, pant, pant

This is the third day that Cool Guy and I have GONE TO THE GYM---yes...and walked vigorously on treadmills. We printed off a 10 day pass and then tonight we actually dived right in and bought the ID cards. We're hoping to stave off decrepidness for a few more years. It's actually quite envigorating and I'm sure my calf muscles will sign on to this program soon.


FoxyJ said...

Hooray! I just went walking again this morning after a few weeks off, and it felt good. I think exercise is just as good for your mental health as your physical health. Keep up the good work!

TK said...

Ditto to what foxy said. And you REALLY appreciate it when you suddenly become physically limited so you CAN'T walk / exercise so much! My main reason for wanting to heal enough to walk more is so that I can walk enough to heal more - physically and mentally. (It makes sense if you think about it awhile. :)