Monday, April 23, 2012


It's been five months this week since I first started wearing the ortho-boot. This time. Sigh... We were headed up to visit our grandchildren at Thanksgiving, and I knew we planned to go to some fun places that would require quite a bit of walking. So I traded the Velcro brace I'd been using to prop up my collapsed foot for the boot, and it's been on there ever since.

CoolGuy had to cut a piece of dense packing foam to put alongside my foot and ankle to prop my foot up straight. When I first put the boot on and tried walking in it, I realized immediately that 1) it really helped relieve the pain, and 2) my bones were crunching against the hard plastic side uncomfortably.  At the time, I was using my old, nearly broken down boot. This model has inflatable bladders that can hold your ankle and leg straight, but those had broken the year before and no longer functioned. When we got home from the visit and I realized how much more support I got with the cast, I ordered a new one on-line and began wearing it when it arrived. The new cast kept me going so I could attend my son's Navy boot camp graduation ceremony and postpone the surgery by 10 days.

Anyway, the exciting thing is: in seven more days...I'm headed to the doctor to have him evaluate the progress in healing and strengthening. I've been going to physical therapy for five weeks now, and I can tell a big difference in my foot. The plan (hope) is that at the end of this appointment, I'll be walking out of the office in two shoes, carrying the ortho-boot in my hand. I'm soooooo looking forward to it. So.

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