Thursday, June 17, 2010

Bumblebees Love Us

Perhaps it would be more accurate to say, "Bumblebees love our plant." The Dr. Seuss-like plant tower that errupted in our back yard a couple of weeks ago is now covered with itty-bitty flowers. I guess I was hoping for big, showy flowers, but these teeny ones are a big hit with The Pollinators. Here's a video.

The sound at the end is CoolGuy attempting to start his chainsaw. Because, of course, it's yardwork time at our house--it's summer. We're slow learners....when the temperature is close to 100 we think, "Oh, we ought to trim that palm tree." Actually, it's only 95 today and if you work slowly, and take lots of drink breaks, and periodically jump in the pool, yardwork is fine in the summer heat. (At our age, work slowly is SOP anyway...) (And when you live in a year-round growth environment, it actually is yardwork time any time.)

And by "we" I mean "him" because I'm just sitting in the shade saying, "Yes, that looks great!" while I keep The Foot propped up. Yesterday I was a little optimistic about my healing status, and after a dermatologist appointment, I went to the grocery store. I stumped around on my boot for a couple of hours. Tsk, tsk,, I am lying down and propping--all day! My hips hurt, my knees hurt, and my sore foot is aching.

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