Thursday, May 27, 2010

End of the Year

It must be near the end of the school year. I just spent two consecutive days in my classroom until 9:00 P.M. Papers must be graded and grades posted. Comments must be typed onto the report cards so the administrators can proofread them. "Parent report cards" must be typed read that right. The legislature created a form that we teachers type in S or N for several categories that parents are expected to help us with in educating their children. (I always considered that I was my children's main teacher and the school helped me.) The categories are like: less than 2 unexcused absences per trimester; homework consistently signed and completed; attended parent conference; participated in some activity with child (it is wide open: get a library card, field trip, read every night, school events, etc.) It is one more thing to type, print and stuff into the envelope.

[I always get at least one envelope returned after reports go out that has never even been opened! The kid's gotten the parent to sign the outside, and the parent didn't look at what it was???]

I'm in a particular rush this year because even though the last day isn't until next Wednesday, I will be out of town Sat-Tues to attend the college graduation of our daughter with her BS in nursing in Portland, Oregon. [YEAH DAUGHTER!!]

So, I must have everything printed and stuffed and done by Friday so I can get on the plane Saturday morning. I'll return on Tuesday night late, and then Wednesday, I'll go to school for the Last Day of Madness. It's over at noon! Tuesday the awards assembly is being held and my co-workers will read mine off for me. So I have to have them all printed and put in order too by Friday night.

It'll happen. It always does. And I always marvel that we get every single little bit of it done each time. And then...I can relax.


skyeJ said...

I feel you pain, too. My house is filled with tumbleweeds of cat hair. I still have 4-5 assignments to turn in because my classes aren't over until the 8th. I still have to go to school after I walk. Boooo. I will clean before you all get here, though.

Earth Sign Mama said...

Ah, yes, the unkempt one. I go to school, I come home and go to bed. Soon, I will have time and inclination to tidy up. That's kind of optimistic of them to let you walk before you actually finish, huh? Probably the folder doesn't really have the diploma in it. Just a note: FINISH, ALREADY!