Thursday, April 10, 2014

Fourth Time's The Charm?

Guess what I'm doing this week? Lying on the couch with my foot propped up on pillows with an icepack on it! It seems to be that time of year again! Foot surgery! Yes, well, we're trying yet another attempt to relieve the pain in the right foot. The continual pain that has not ceased since the initial surgery four years ago to fix the torn tendon that started all this foolishness.

So, here I sit--again--with my cast and my cart. Which we wisely just put up in the storage locker instead of selling on eBay. I only have stitches, no bone cutting this time. But the stitches are in my heel, making it very, very tender to step on, so I'm using the cart for a week or so. And it is sooooo much better than crutches. I'm going back to school tomorrow, Friday, just because it is our last day before Spring Break, and it is a fun day. Then, next week, for my vacation, I'll lie down, prop up and ice the leg.
Except for Wednesday, when CoolGuy and I are going to go out to a club and see the band for which our son is the sound mixer. They're on tour and are coming to Sin City on Wednesday, in between gigs at the Coachella Music Festival...pretty cool. But mostly, I'm looking forward to seeing our son and having a meal with him.
We're having summer start a little soon here. It was 90 degrees today! But...that means that the pool will be ready to use by the time I get these stitches out! Yeah! I love pool season, and it can't get here soon enough. This is the fourth spring in a row, however, that I have timed my swimming start to the removal of stitches...That is getting old. I'm ready to get healed.

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