Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Oh, come on...couldn't those two have rehearsed a little so that they didn't mess up the oath of office? Tut tut, it was a little disconcerting.

We watched it with my students live, because, as I told them, it was historic. We only change presidents every four years, and these students will nearly be in high school the next time we have an inauguration. And of course, being a notable First, it was also historic for that reason too. It was an excellent ceremony and very awesomely befitting our great nation.

I think though, as this term of office unfolds, that some Americans are going to be puzzled. For eight years, it has been the drumbeat that all things horrible in our country were directly traceable to the White House. Unrelenting negativity, sometimes to a ridiculous level, has been spoken, written, published and blogged about this outgoing executive team. There are many people who have apparently been conditioned to believe that the person who is president has a huge impact on their lives in a seriously personal way.

When tomorrow dawns, and the next day and the next, and very little change occurs on a personal level in these people's lives, do you think they'll realize that the president isn't in charge of them personally? Do you think that they'll realize that they are the main determiners of the direction their lives take? Do you think they'll be disillusioned and disappointed that everything isn't magically fabulous just because a new president was inaugurated? Do you think they'll realize what a bad idea it is to allow someone else so much power over your attitude?


cool_guy said...

I hope that someday I'll be able to understand how our government works....

I guess for now I'll have to remain confused and disillusioned..

I was really expecting some magic to happen today, I guess the secret to a happy political outlook is low expectations??

Go for It ! said...

The only people who will be disillusioned are the people who were willing to overlook laziness, disinterest and outright overt manipulation as acceptable in government. FDR made a difference in people's lives. Ask that generation. I see a whole new generation of people who now have a reason to participate and someone to lead them who sets a higher benchmark than the sorry one set for the last 8 years. Hooray !