Wednesday, November 05, 2008


Foxyj tells me that it is National Blog Post Month and the idea is to post a blog every day of November. Whew. I posted on the 3rd and 4th. So I'll try to finish the month out.

Today, of course, we talked about the election in fourth grade. We have a mixed crew of supporters and while there were many O-guys, a few students expressed disappointment that their Military Hero guy lost. So we wrote in our journals Why or Why not: I would like to be elected president.

Here's the sad part: I had at least 5 students give as their reason for not wanting to be elected president of the United States that they didn't want to be assassinated. Wow. So, I pointed out on my Presidents of the United States poster (of course I have one hanging up in my room) that really, only three of them were killed in office, and one wounded. Out of 43 that's pretty good odds.

It was also fun to listen to some of their reasons why they'd like to be elected:
  • bowling alley in the house
  • personal airplane
  • lots of money
  • everybody will do what I tell them (...umm...not)

But the sweet ones were: I can help my parents buy gas. I can help my family pay their bills. I'll make sure everyone can get a job. (It's personal when you're nine.)

We all agreed it was an exciting election, and on January 20th they should watch t.v. and see how a country should do it: orderly change of leadership, ceremonies, balls, moving vans and handshakes. Nobody had to get killed.

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