Thursday, March 27, 2008

My Left Hand--(Not Starring Daniel Day Lewis)

Myleft hand is tired. For over a half a century it got a free ride there on the end of my arm. But for the last ten days it has been called into service for which it is entirely unprepared.
  • It cannot brush teeth. I've finally resorted to an electric toothbrush.
  • It cannot hold a fork properly. I eat most of my food without the fork as a result.
  • It cannot use a curling iron without dropping it onto my forehead repeatedly.
  • It cannot cut an orange--this requires down, and back and forth, simultaneously.
  • It cannot open a jar by itself--to be fair, I don't think the right hand could either, but the left hand is particularly puny when it come to any lid of any container, including the butter tub--duh.

But, it has acquired a few skills:

  • It can zip my pants and fasten the button of jeans.
  • It can use the computer mouse if I put it on the left side of the keyboard.
  • It can turn the key in the lock of the front door.

By the time this miserable bandage is removed on Monday, I'm afraid I'll need physical therapy to help my left hand and the entire arm recover from its sudden thrust into the spotlight. For sure my brain is going to need therapy to recover from the sudden need to reprogram my poor left hand.

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