Saturday, March 17, 2007

Backyard Farming

For my birthday I received a lovely empty wooden frame, 10 feet by 4 feet, anchored in the middle of the lawn with pounded pegs. The next weekend I hauled a yard and a half of dirt and shoveled and shoveled and shoveled until voila: a garden bed!! Yeah!! I'm farming again. I'm all fired up to dig up the grass in the immediate vicinity of my now planted garden and put in desert plants and drip irrigation and leave only the grass square under the tree. We need a little something for the small people who come here to play occasionally. The grass under the tree is the only pretty part of the lawn, anyway. It gets protected from the searing Nevada sun.

Plus, now that Cool Guy has assembled my OTHER birthday gift (purchased by and for myself) we have a serious growing environment here. Check this out. I got the middle-sized one. It is now filled with grass clippings and dead leaves from yard trimmings and we're cooking a batch of dirt! With the tomato plants starting to set blossoms, the basil sprouting new leaves, baby spinach seedlings poking through the soil we're on our way to caprezi and pesto in a few weeks. Yum... Now I need to buy some pepper plants so that salsa is in the future, too.


TK said...

I am SO jealous! I used cinderblock to put in a raised garden bed as soon as I bought my place. But I've wanted a composter. I finally found some wire screens someone had put in the trash and wired them together to make a 'frame' for a compost pile. But it's not too big, and just a screened off 'area', making it rather hard to turn.

But I AM happy for YOU! And Happy Birthday!

Earth Sign Mama said...

I composted that way for many years, so my new machine is a real treat!