Saturday, February 28, 2015

Never Tease Mother Nature

So, last Saturday, we blithely planted our tomatoes. We lolled around outdoors in the balmy sunshine and patted ourselves on the backs for living in this pleasant climate in February.

Sunday, the wind picked up, the chill blew in, and it poured cold rain for hours. We shivered through the day. I worried that our tomatoes were going to need a cover for the night. It didn't get that cold, however. But, as the day did get pretty dang cold. This was the view from the school parking lot on Monday morning.

See the top of that mountain behind our house? The one WITH SNOW ALL OVER IT?? And that was just a dusting. The tall mountains across the valley were totally white. It was fantastically beautiful!  The lower-elevation red rocks with were dusted more thickly with snow than our big rocks and they were spectacular! There is something especially attractive about red rocks and snow.

Well, it has remained quite chilly all week. We just barely made it into the 60's each day. (I know, I know...New England is under a blanket of ice. It's even freezing in the South.) They're predicting more rain and snow here again this weekend. Guess, we've learned our lesson. We will definitely wait until March before we plant tomatoes next year. February is STILL WINTER, and we won't forget it.

 The students were SO excited to see the snow this close to home.
It stayed cold enough that it wasn't all melted until we went up to collect them from recess at 1:10 P.M.

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