Tuesday, September 24, 2013

I Had A Fabulous Day!!

Well, it didn't start at 8:40 when I almost forgot I had morning recess duty, and so I had to hurry upstairs, instead of getting my copying done.

And it didn't start at 10:00 when I went in to cover a first grade classroom for the teacher whose sub didn't show up. Although I got paid to do this, I really missed getting my own planning time instead. And, now I know for certain that my decision to never teach first grade is a really, really good one!! Herding cats, I'm telling ya....

It also didn't start during my own classes when all of my students apparently decided that every time Mrs. [EarthSignMama] says, "Please put away...." or "Please take out..." what she really is saying is "Okay!! Free-for-all time!! Everyone talk loudly to your classmates!!" Sigh.

It also didn't start when I went outside to direct traffic after school and tripped over the curb and tried to whack a student with my big red stop sign. Ooops....

It wasn't when I sat down with a sigh in my desk chair at 4:00 P.M., checked my calendar and realized that instead of puttering around in my room and then heading home, instead I needed to quickly clean up and dash over to the teacher's union meeting that I'd forgotten about. Blah...but it was important because there was an election being held, and I wanted to ask about the negotiations for our health insurance that aren't going too well.

It finally started though when I shuffled my tired self into the house at 7:15P.M. (eleven hours after I left it this morning) and saw that CoolGuy, GREATEST HUSBAND EVER, had cleaned up the whole kitchen, washing the dishes, and wiping off all the counters and cleaning the sink!!!!

YEA!!! What a fabulous day!!!

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