Saturday, June 18, 2011

FrankenFeet Update

Ta Da! Two shoes! I made the switch on Wednesday, after all the paper work was completed between the doctor and the insurance to authorize me getting the brace, etc. etc. I will be wearing this ankle brace for a few months. It helps to keep my foot stable. But--it fits into a shoe. I think I'm going to be wearing these Nikes for most of that time, too. But, they are waaaaay better than the cast, so I'm pleased. The brace is made of fabric, with a couple of plastic inserts along the outside and inside of my foot. It only covers my heel and part of my foot, and laces up  like high tops. In fact, if I bought some high tops, then no one would even know it was there. When I wear long pants, you can't see it.

CoolGuy is planning some type of "Burn the Boot" ceremony here in the back yard. I think that would be an appropriate denouement (the outcome of a complex sequence of events [French]) for this whole long saga, n'est pas?  Sorry, about all the French, but sometimes other languages say it just right!

So, now, I'm still walking slowly, but now no one knows why! But, I concentrate on walking carefully, putting equal weight on each foot and using good posture. I'm so excited to be using both feet!!

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