Thursday, June 25, 2015

Can't Have Too Much Fun

We had our annual Grandma Camp a week ago. Or, I should say, "Grandpa & Grandma" camp...He is essential! The four grandchildren spent the five days with us in a non-stop carousel of fun, fun, fun. I realized when it was finished, that next year, I totally need to train for this event!

We visited a variety of museums, aquariums, Vegas fun places, and of course---SWIMMING!! Seriously, without the Grandpa, the Grandma would possibly have collapsed with exhaustion. We'd trade off on activities. I took the kids to the Shark Reef for our annual "floating heads" photograph (and also to see the cool sharks). Then, after lunch, he went out and supervised (from the pool) the afternoon swim. I took them to the Tournament of Kings; he took everyone out to the desert to star-watch.

We watched movies, ate root beer floats, viewed a series of pictures of their parents as children, laughed at silly YouTube videos and just hung out. Meals were tons of fun--we haven't had a table-full for a long time! There were even a few quarrels, and a couple of annoying brother/sister moments--in other words---real life.

But mostly, we just enjoyed being together and having a little fun, and talking and laughing. It ended so soon that I was petitioned for a full seven days next summer. (It's always better to leave them wanting more, than to have homesick little people, crying for mom.)

 We stopped off in St. George at a wildlife museum there and admired large animals up close.

This girl jumped into the "little pool" to dive for the plastic rings about one thousand times, according to Grandpa's count. He was the ring tosser. 

 There was a lot of action... under the water....

...and above the water.

 The pool is the place where everyone can spend unlimited amounts of time. Since the temperature reached 110 degrees every day of GC, the pool is a wonderful place!

 This is the soap carving activity that followed Grandpa's knife safety class. It was scheduled to help our Cub Scout to pass off some requirements. But, everyone had a pretty awesome time. 

Grandpa carefully supervised the knives; Grandma wielded the camera and stayed far, far away from the knives...let me show you my collection of finger scars, sometime.

 See that name tag? Well, this fellow made them for us to wear, so that, no matter what name poor addled Grandma called someone, they could answer to it. Somehow, when I get the little kids around, the old brain has some trouble with putting a current name to the current person. My own mother used to do this: she'd start with her sisters' names, and then go down the list of all my sisters. It's a good laugh for the grandchildren when I do it, using their aunts' and uncles' names.

We cheered for Hungary this time! It's such a fun show!

Our shark friends were all still there. And the guy who helps out with the photos remembered us from last year! The floating heads family!

 One year, we discovered that, if you were wearing a certain color of green shirt, then all you would see is a floating head! So, we went right out and bought ourselves a set of green shirts!

Yes, there are some fun places for children in Las Vegas.
 And the most fun place of all is GRANDMA CAMP!!
 Looking forward to 2016!!

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