Yes, Fall is in the air! The temperature only went up to 99 today. Last night, it dropped all the way to 85. If it keeps this up, my students will be wearing their knit caps soon. BWAAA HAAA HAAA.
No, seriously, there is a little bit of difference now that it is September. It is obvious that the daylight goes away sooner. In early August, CoolGuy and I would sit out by the pool at twilight and watch the bats swoop around, snatching bugs out of the air. We'd watch the colors of the sky change from orange to purple to blue as the darkness crept across from east to west. It would be almost 9:00 P.M. But, it's dark at 8:00 now.
I don't complain about the summer heat here. It's a dry heat, after all. Ten years on the East Coast will teach you to appreciate the desert. One of our new teachers this year is from Maine, however. She is dying. We try to encourage her by pointing out that she'll never have to scrape ice from her car windows. But, she really will need to buy a pair of sunglasses if she is going to live here. We go upstairs to pick up our students after recess at mid-day, and she is blinded. I would be too, without my shades. I tell her my favorite line in the Nevada state song is, "...out where the sun always shines!" She's going to get some RayBans with her next paycheck.
It's easy to get warped here. When it does finally sink down into the 60's at night, and only gets up to 75 during the day, our students will actually start wearing jackets. For real. It feels chilly to them when they're walking to school. When we first moved back to Cali from western Idaho, we left behind below-freezing weather for the balmy ocean air. Except that, in early March 1990, it snowed on the beach at Malibu. So, for Ventura County, it was really, really chilly. But, if you just arrived from Mountain Home, Idaho, it felt like SUMMER! So, our children were the only ones who went to school without a sweater, jacket or any outer wear. We got acclimated soon enough, and went on to wearing our hoodies in January, just like the rest of the SoCal residents.
It's all what you get accustomed to. The desert is just fine for me, now. When it's too hot outside, I stay inside. Or I get into the pool. I just appreciate the lack of ice and snow enough to not mind the 105 degrees, day after day. But, that's over now. Autumn has arrived.
Tuesday, September 01, 2015
Thursday, August 20, 2015
Checking Off the List
- New principal
- New vice-principal
- Eleven new teachers in our building
- Three of them are long-term subs
Some of our new people seem terrified. I don't blame them! They have been plunked down into a whirlwind. If you've never taught before, it doesn't matter if you're a college graduate, this job is quite involved. I helped a couple of them put up bulletin board backgrounds because I have a lot of practice at that. I've been showing them what schedules they can use, and what should go into the parent letter for the first day, and anything else I think they'd need.
As a result...I'm not ready! My room is superficially prepared. I can welcome families at Open-House tomorrow afternoon. But I'll be over there on Saturday, labeling, and putting out books, and reorganizing my shelves, and any manner of jobs I didn't get to yet. Yikes! If I feel under this pressure, I can hardly imagine how these new folks feel. (Actually, I can imagine, and it isn't a good memory.)
So, I'll be there bright and early tomorrow to get some things done before the meetings, round 2, begin. Then, I'll wolf down lunch and get back into my classroom so that it will look spic and span for the 2015-2016 fourth graders and their parents! I'm getting excited again!
Sunday, August 16, 2015
Yes, You Should Rotate Your Food Storage...
It was time to put away the yummy peaches. I washed the jars carefully in some warm, soapy water (they come out of the canning kettle sticky), and set them on a towel to dry. Then, I went to my really nice pantry closet, renovated by CoolGuy when we first moved into this house. He took the "coat" closet in the front entry and added some great corner shelves in part of it. After all, coats are not a big priority here in the desert. I have a few, but I don't use them too often. So, I have a place for jackets, and the ironing board, but I also have some deep shelves that I can use as a pantry, since our kitchen cupboard space is quite limited.
Well, I had to rearrange things in there, as I haven't done so for quite a while. I pulled everything out and in the process, I picked up a can of tomato soup that...rattled. Yes, it was very light and, when I gave it a shake, it rattled. (I've watched too much T.V. --my first reaction was that I'd gotten someone's diamond necklace in a soup can by mistake.) Then, I noticed that the bottom had a little stain on it.
Next, I checked the "best used by" date. Ooh. July 2005. Eeeew. In side the can, I found the most extreme version of "condensed" soup ever to be found in a can.
It is very light weight, totally devoid of any moisture what-so-ever. Hmmm...I found one more can of tomato soup that was also purchased the year I moved to Las Vegas. It went into the trash. I didn't even want to look inside. It was still "liquid" and sealed up tightly. But, I don't want to know anymore about it. The can that contained the little rock of tomato soup has a teeny hole in the bottom. I cleaned a small, dark circle of dried tomato off the shelf where it had sat, for a very, very, long time.
Then, I looked over every other food container in the pantry closet, and reorganized it according to "best used by" dates so that no other cans of food will sit unnoticed for 10 years. My peaches are in their own section. They're harder to overlook, so I'm not worried that I'll leave a bottle untouched for ten years. Heh...
Next, I checked the "best used by" date. Ooh. July 2005. Eeeew. In side the can, I found the most extreme version of "condensed" soup ever to be found in a can.
It is very light weight, totally devoid of any moisture what-so-ever. Hmmm...I found one more can of tomato soup that was also purchased the year I moved to Las Vegas. It went into the trash. I didn't even want to look inside. It was still "liquid" and sealed up tightly. But, I don't want to know anymore about it. The can that contained the little rock of tomato soup has a teeny hole in the bottom. I cleaned a small, dark circle of dried tomato off the shelf where it had sat, for a very, very, long time.
Then, I looked over every other food container in the pantry closet, and reorganized it according to "best used by" dates so that no other cans of food will sit unnoticed for 10 years. My peaches are in their own section. They're harder to overlook, so I'm not worried that I'll leave a bottle untouched for ten years. Heh...
Thursday, August 13, 2015
The Treasure
I came back to Nevada with two boxes of peaches on Monday, this week. My daughter had pointed out that peaches were now available, and she was thinking of canning some on the weekend. So, since we LOVE home canned peaches, I stopped off and bought some to bring back home. I'd been in Utah for an organ workshop at BYU.
There is nothing so yummy as home canned peaches. Seriously. CoolGuy and I are both huge fans. I used the last bottle of my previous effort a few months ago, so we needed to be resupplied. However, it has been a couple of years since I've gone through this process. I actually had to look at a YouTube video just to refresh my memory of all the steps.
Here's what I started with. They were fantastic peaches--every one of them was huge and perfect and sweet. We'd already eaten some with sugar and cream the night before. Whenever I found a little spot that was a bit over-ripe, I'd just cut it off and plop it into my mouth, while I prepared them for the bottles.
I'd been to my school earlier that morning for a Meet & Greet with our new principal and vice-principal. When someone asked if I planned to stay and work in my room, I told them that I needed to go home and bottle peaches. It was a foreign concept to the younger ones. I tried to explain, but, seriously, they looked at me like I was a space alien--or Laura Ingalls Wilder. Did people really do that still today?? So, I made four pint jars of peaches to take over there and give to them for a taste, so they can see why it is worth all the work.
It IS a lot of work, too, seriously. It took all day. I was quite exhausted at the end. However, a few laps in the pool, and a later soak in the hot tub, and today, I'm feeling fine. Plus! Peaches in bottles!!
There is nothing so yummy as home canned peaches. Seriously. CoolGuy and I are both huge fans. I used the last bottle of my previous effort a few months ago, so we needed to be resupplied. However, it has been a couple of years since I've gone through this process. I actually had to look at a YouTube video just to refresh my memory of all the steps.
Here's what I started with. They were fantastic peaches--every one of them was huge and perfect and sweet. We'd already eaten some with sugar and cream the night before. Whenever I found a little spot that was a bit over-ripe, I'd just cut it off and plop it into my mouth, while I prepared them for the bottles.
It IS a lot of work, too, seriously. It took all day. I was quite exhausted at the end. However, a few laps in the pool, and a later soak in the hot tub, and today, I'm feeling fine. Plus! Peaches in bottles!!
Isn't this adorable? I found it in the box and it just totally represents the awesomeness of peaches.
After dipping them in boiling water for about a half-minute, you transfer them to ice water. Then the peels just slide right off. Cut them in half, remove the pit, and slice them into a bowl with a solution of ascorbic acid (Fruit Fresh) so they won't brown. Then, scoop them into the jars. The jars are warm from the dishwasher, where I sterilized them. Add the simple syrup that boiled on the stove, wipe the edges of the top clean. Place the warmed lids on top, screw on the rings.
I always cook on the campstove because when I first bought this canning kettle, I realized it was too big for my stove. I'm not sure why I've never replaced it with a smaller one...However, it is a bonus to cook outside, because then I don't heat up my kitchen. Yes, I need to add more water to this so it covers the jars.
After they've cooked, I set them first on the outside table to cool down a little and dry off, and then I brought them in to my kitchen to finish the cool down. It helped them to be outside for a while, I realized, because there is a huge difference in temperature between the pot and my kitchen. I avoided breakage that way.
Don't they look fabulous?? I feel like I'm rich because now I have almost two dozen jars of yummy peaches to savor all year. Next summer, I'll definitely get more and keep my supply steady. Maybe I'll do pears, too. Or cherries...yummmmm.
Monday, June 29, 2015
Everything Old Is New Again
You've heard that motto before, I'm sure. This weekend, we got to enjoy the reality of it. CoolGuy and I went to a motorcycle show this weekend called BornFree, for people who like to build old choppers.
It was in SoCal this year, just about fours hours from Las Vegas. is summer. That is not so bad when you're close to the ocean, but it means that a motorcycle ride there from our house would have to start early in the morning to avoid the deathly heat that rises here by 10:30 A.M. CoolGuy started out about 6:00 A.M. and I followed in the truck shortly after. (My knee is still not too happy, and the stress of riding the bike wouldn't be a good choice yet.)
The show was in Silverado Canyon, which is part of the Inland Empire part of greater Los Angeles. It isn't by the ocean, but it is on the west side of the mountains that divide the desert from the coast, so the high at the park/lake where the show was held was only 95, and at night the temperature slid all the way down to 73. It was quite lovely! It was wild and mountainous, and definitely not my usual visualization of Orange County.
The show was packed with people and motorcycles--choppers, stock machines, and works-of-art masquerading as motorcycles. It was rather like a trip back in time, actually. When CoolGuy started riding a Harley when he was a teen, if you wanted a chopper, you had to build it yourself. There was a growing group of riders who had the skills, and businesses that would help you with processes that required more technology than a home garage (chrome application, for example). For the last decade or so, buying and riding a Harley has become quite common place, with most people just riding the bike they drove out of the showroom. It is quite different from the Do-it-Yourself world that I was introduced to over forty years ago when I partnered up with CoolGuy. But, now, the BornFree dudes bring together a burgeoning new population of young men and women (and a few of us geezers) that have a passion for using the wrench and creating their own ride.
It was fun to watch CoolGuy go around and admire all the bikes and, especially the young people who were riding them. He's driving a motorcycle that has a 46 year old engine, and people admired his handiwork, and understood why he's willing to do the work to keep it on the road. I was fascinated by the plethora of my favorite engine: the Panhead! There were so many other kinds, too. It harked me back to the very first motorcycle event I attended in Southern California. Our good friends took our three little ones for overnight, and we drove out into a canyon filled with California live oak trees and golden grass. All I packed was my toothbrush and a clean shirt. We had our sleeping bag strapped on the front of the 1950 Panhead chopper, and joined some friends who were also headed out there. The next day, we drove a few miles south to Tecate, Mexico, and ate lunch. I was conscious this weekend of how long ago that was, and how vividly different it is for an old granny to go to a motorcycle party. I packed not much more than a clean shirt and underwear, but the kit included pills, fiber, sunscreen and chapstick. Plus, we used member points and stayed in a motel! That warm bathtub was sure nice after a day of hiking around on the grass in the sun and dust, not to mention CoolGuy's 300 mile ride.
It was in SoCal this year, just about fours hours from Las Vegas. is summer. That is not so bad when you're close to the ocean, but it means that a motorcycle ride there from our house would have to start early in the morning to avoid the deathly heat that rises here by 10:30 A.M. CoolGuy started out about 6:00 A.M. and I followed in the truck shortly after. (My knee is still not too happy, and the stress of riding the bike wouldn't be a good choice yet.)
The show was in Silverado Canyon, which is part of the Inland Empire part of greater Los Angeles. It isn't by the ocean, but it is on the west side of the mountains that divide the desert from the coast, so the high at the park/lake where the show was held was only 95, and at night the temperature slid all the way down to 73. It was quite lovely! It was wild and mountainous, and definitely not my usual visualization of Orange County.
The show was packed with people and motorcycles--choppers, stock machines, and works-of-art masquerading as motorcycles. It was rather like a trip back in time, actually. When CoolGuy started riding a Harley when he was a teen, if you wanted a chopper, you had to build it yourself. There was a growing group of riders who had the skills, and businesses that would help you with processes that required more technology than a home garage (chrome application, for example). For the last decade or so, buying and riding a Harley has become quite common place, with most people just riding the bike they drove out of the showroom. It is quite different from the Do-it-Yourself world that I was introduced to over forty years ago when I partnered up with CoolGuy. But, now, the BornFree dudes bring together a burgeoning new population of young men and women (and a few of us geezers) that have a passion for using the wrench and creating their own ride.
It was fun to watch CoolGuy go around and admire all the bikes and, especially the young people who were riding them. He's driving a motorcycle that has a 46 year old engine, and people admired his handiwork, and understood why he's willing to do the work to keep it on the road. I was fascinated by the plethora of my favorite engine: the Panhead! There were so many other kinds, too. It harked me back to the very first motorcycle event I attended in Southern California. Our good friends took our three little ones for overnight, and we drove out into a canyon filled with California live oak trees and golden grass. All I packed was my toothbrush and a clean shirt. We had our sleeping bag strapped on the front of the 1950 Panhead chopper, and joined some friends who were also headed out there. The next day, we drove a few miles south to Tecate, Mexico, and ate lunch. I was conscious this weekend of how long ago that was, and how vividly different it is for an old granny to go to a motorcycle party. I packed not much more than a clean shirt and underwear, but the kit included pills, fiber, sunscreen and chapstick. Plus, we used member points and stayed in a motel! That warm bathtub was sure nice after a day of hiking around on the grass in the sun and dust, not to mention CoolGuy's 300 mile ride.
It was "official" enough to require an entrance fee, and an armband.
If you look closely, you'll see that my bangs are wet with sweat--it was weirdly humid.
Here is my favorite engine style: the Panhead--made from 1948 -1965.
We rode on a chopper with this type of motor for several years.
This style--Knucklehead--made from 1936--1947
CoolGuy had one of these in high school, and when we first got married.
There were lots of cool old things there, including CoolGuy, and his motorcycle,
1969 Shovelhead---made from 1966--1984.
This is a Flat-head--these are from the 1930's and '40's, too. They made several models of these at the same time they were making the Knuckleheads and the Panheads.
See the raccoon face from driving in the sun for hours?
Leaving the hotel--it was 72 degrees---verrry nice!! Right now, after dark, in our back yard, it's 108.
This was a photo of me at the first motorcycle campout-festival-party I attended in southern Cali. It was quite a few years ago...
We didn't get wristbands, but we did have to sign in and get a sticker to show that we and our motorcycle were authorized to be there.
Same terrain as this weekend: live oak trees, rock-covered hills, and golden grass.
Here we are in the little cafe in Tecate, Mexico.
It was quite a pleasant trip then, as was this one.
It was quite a pleasant trip then, as was this one.
Thursday, June 25, 2015
Can't Have Too Much Fun
We had our annual Grandma Camp a week ago. Or, I should say, "Grandpa & Grandma" camp...He is essential! The four grandchildren spent the five days with us in a non-stop carousel of fun, fun, fun. I realized when it was finished, that next year, I totally need to train for this event!
We visited a variety of museums, aquariums, Vegas fun places, and of course---SWIMMING!! Seriously, without the Grandpa, the Grandma would possibly have collapsed with exhaustion. We'd trade off on activities. I took the kids to the Shark Reef for our annual "floating heads" photograph (and also to see the cool sharks). Then, after lunch, he went out and supervised (from the pool) the afternoon swim. I took them to the Tournament of Kings; he took everyone out to the desert to star-watch.
We watched movies, ate root beer floats, viewed a series of pictures of their parents as children, laughed at silly YouTube videos and just hung out. Meals were tons of fun--we haven't had a table-full for a long time! There were even a few quarrels, and a couple of annoying brother/sister moments--in other words---real life.
But mostly, we just enjoyed being together and having a little fun, and talking and laughing. It ended so soon that I was petitioned for a full seven days next summer. (It's always better to leave them wanting more, than to have homesick little people, crying for mom.)

We visited a variety of museums, aquariums, Vegas fun places, and of course---SWIMMING!! Seriously, without the Grandpa, the Grandma would possibly have collapsed with exhaustion. We'd trade off on activities. I took the kids to the Shark Reef for our annual "floating heads" photograph (and also to see the cool sharks). Then, after lunch, he went out and supervised (from the pool) the afternoon swim. I took them to the Tournament of Kings; he took everyone out to the desert to star-watch.
We watched movies, ate root beer floats, viewed a series of pictures of their parents as children, laughed at silly YouTube videos and just hung out. Meals were tons of fun--we haven't had a table-full for a long time! There were even a few quarrels, and a couple of annoying brother/sister moments--in other words---real life.
But mostly, we just enjoyed being together and having a little fun, and talking and laughing. It ended so soon that I was petitioned for a full seven days next summer. (It's always better to leave them wanting more, than to have homesick little people, crying for mom.)
We stopped off in St. George at a wildlife museum there and admired large animals up close.
This girl jumped into the "little pool" to dive for the plastic rings about one thousand times, according to Grandpa's count. He was the ring tosser.
There was a lot of action... under the water....
The pool is the place where everyone can spend unlimited amounts of time. Since the temperature reached 110 degrees every day of GC, the pool is a wonderful place!
This is the soap carving activity that followed Grandpa's knife safety class. It was scheduled to help our Cub Scout to pass off some requirements. But, everyone had a pretty awesome time.
Grandpa carefully supervised the knives; Grandma wielded the camera and stayed far, far away from the knives...let me show you my collection of finger scars, sometime.
See that name tag? Well, this fellow made them for us to wear, so that, no matter what name poor addled Grandma called someone, they could answer to it. Somehow, when I get the little kids around, the old brain has some trouble with putting a current name to the current person. My own mother used to do this: she'd start with her sisters' names, and then go down the list of all my sisters. It's a good laugh for the grandchildren when I do it, using their aunts' and uncles' names.
We cheered for Hungary this time! It's such a fun show!
Our shark friends were all still there. And the guy who helps out with the photos remembered us from last year! The floating heads family!
One year, we discovered that, if you were wearing a certain color of green shirt, then all you would see is a floating head! So, we went right out and bought ourselves a set of green shirts!
Yes, there are some fun places for children in Las Vegas.
And the most fun place of all is GRANDMA CAMP!!
Looking forward to 2016!!
Monday, June 22, 2015
Hot Time in the Hot Town
At 7:45 A.M. or so, our electricity went out on Sunday. I woke up at 8:00 because there was a weird beeping sound that was NOT my alarm. I looked at my clock radio to see what time it was, and there was nothing displayed. Uh, oh. I jumped up and looked around the house to find the irritating beep and found it on the house alarm keypad. It was telling me that the door ring tones weren't working. Yup...nothing was working if it needed electricity. This is bad.
At the time, it was only 90 degrees outside. But, I knew that the whole week the temperatures had been topping out at 110 degrees and today wouldn't be any different. Immediately, I went to my computer---doh! So, I got the iPad. WiFi. But....CoolGuy is on it. He set up a little personal hotspot on my phone so that I can have WiFi on the iPad when I'm not at home or somewhere else with it. We got rid of the 3G connection to save money; plus I rarely use the iPad where there isn't a connection for me.
Well, the power company website was telling me that I was part of power outage with nearly 3000 other lucky customers and we might have it back on by 12:30. Eek!! That was four hours away! Well, I decided to just get ready and go to church early. So, I did everything I could that didn't need electricity (gas water heater, I love you...) and ate my cereal, and put my hair up in a French twist. Luckily, I'd just had my bangs trimmed, so they look okay without the curling iron. I fluffed them up a bit and hair-sprayed them in place.
It really wasn't too bad in our house. We have a large tree in our back yard that shades the house really well, and the garage takes up most of the front. So, as long as one stayed out of the garage, the rest of the house stayed quite cool. By 10:00 A.M. it was up to 100 already, according to the thermometer on the patio. So, I decided I'd just leave for church and hang out there until I needed to start the prelude music at 10:45. CoolGuy got back from his morning motorcycle ride just as I was leaving, and told me there were no traffic lights in the intersections near our house, either. Hmmm...
I took the circuitous route to the church, and sure enough, the markets and gas stations in a little business development near us were all closed, too. No one parked at McDonald's! Weird....So, when I arrived at the church (which is between our house and these stores) I was delighted to find that the building DID have power. Apparently the circuits that were affected hopscotched around the neighborhood. As the congregation arrived, we all asked, "Do you have electricity?" before we even said hello. About half did and half didn't. My neighbor across the street did---we didn't! Weird...
So, we had our church meetings, and midway through, the bishop announced that the power company was now predicting it might take until 5:00 P.M. to get the mess fixed, so the church would stay open and available for anyone who might need a cool place to be. And, we should contact our neighbors who might be overheated at their houses to, please, come here and we'd have a few rooms available to just hang out.
This is one of the Sundays when having a three-hour meeting block paid off! We finished up about 2:00 P.M. and I decided to go home and see how CoolGuy was faring. Was he still "cool?" I figured he'd been floating in the pool. That was my plan! But, when I walked into the house, it was still remarkably cool-ish. Seriously...I'm sure that four more hours of no AC would have put an end to that, but as I was making myself a peanut butter sandwich aound 2:45, I heard a little click, and a hum, and the refrigerator purred to life right behind me. Then, about 10 minutes later, the air conditioner kicked in and started blowing gently from the vent above my head. Ahhhh....modern life! It's not appreciated until you lose it. (Actually, I appreciate it all the time. I doubt I'd have been hardy enough to live here in the Mojave before they'd created a way to cool off houses.)
Turns out a driver had either fallen asleep, or was impaired, and had driven (apparently at quite a high speed) into a big old power pole and broke it right off! Took out the fence in the front yard of the people's house, too. Thanks, dude! But we all survived, and I hope it doesn't happen again this year.
At the time, it was only 90 degrees outside. But, I knew that the whole week the temperatures had been topping out at 110 degrees and today wouldn't be any different. Immediately, I went to my computer---doh! So, I got the iPad. WiFi. But....CoolGuy is on it. He set up a little personal hotspot on my phone so that I can have WiFi on the iPad when I'm not at home or somewhere else with it. We got rid of the 3G connection to save money; plus I rarely use the iPad where there isn't a connection for me.
Well, the power company website was telling me that I was part of power outage with nearly 3000 other lucky customers and we might have it back on by 12:30. Eek!! That was four hours away! Well, I decided to just get ready and go to church early. So, I did everything I could that didn't need electricity (gas water heater, I love you...) and ate my cereal, and put my hair up in a French twist. Luckily, I'd just had my bangs trimmed, so they look okay without the curling iron. I fluffed them up a bit and hair-sprayed them in place.
It really wasn't too bad in our house. We have a large tree in our back yard that shades the house really well, and the garage takes up most of the front. So, as long as one stayed out of the garage, the rest of the house stayed quite cool. By 10:00 A.M. it was up to 100 already, according to the thermometer on the patio. So, I decided I'd just leave for church and hang out there until I needed to start the prelude music at 10:45. CoolGuy got back from his morning motorcycle ride just as I was leaving, and told me there were no traffic lights in the intersections near our house, either. Hmmm...
I took the circuitous route to the church, and sure enough, the markets and gas stations in a little business development near us were all closed, too. No one parked at McDonald's! Weird....So, when I arrived at the church (which is between our house and these stores) I was delighted to find that the building DID have power. Apparently the circuits that were affected hopscotched around the neighborhood. As the congregation arrived, we all asked, "Do you have electricity?" before we even said hello. About half did and half didn't. My neighbor across the street did---we didn't! Weird...
So, we had our church meetings, and midway through, the bishop announced that the power company was now predicting it might take until 5:00 P.M. to get the mess fixed, so the church would stay open and available for anyone who might need a cool place to be. And, we should contact our neighbors who might be overheated at their houses to, please, come here and we'd have a few rooms available to just hang out.
This is one of the Sundays when having a three-hour meeting block paid off! We finished up about 2:00 P.M. and I decided to go home and see how CoolGuy was faring. Was he still "cool?" I figured he'd been floating in the pool. That was my plan! But, when I walked into the house, it was still remarkably cool-ish. Seriously...I'm sure that four more hours of no AC would have put an end to that, but as I was making myself a peanut butter sandwich aound 2:45, I heard a little click, and a hum, and the refrigerator purred to life right behind me. Then, about 10 minutes later, the air conditioner kicked in and started blowing gently from the vent above my head. Ahhhh....modern life! It's not appreciated until you lose it. (Actually, I appreciate it all the time. I doubt I'd have been hardy enough to live here in the Mojave before they'd created a way to cool off houses.)
Turns out a driver had either fallen asleep, or was impaired, and had driven (apparently at quite a high speed) into a big old power pole and broke it right off! Took out the fence in the front yard of the people's house, too. Thanks, dude! But we all survived, and I hope it doesn't happen again this year.
Sunday, June 21, 2015
Father's Day...rerun
I love this blog that I made last year about Father's Day, and it is still true, so I'm just republishing it for 2015.
Fathers Are So Special
I've enjoyed watching the Father of this family as he has been
repeatedly interrupted this afternoon from his motorcycle wrenching by
phone calls from his children. Thanks kids!
I read from some commentator that Father's Day is an "awkward" holiday, celebrated inconsistently by people from 1910 until, finally in 1972, it was designated an official holiday in a bill signed by Pres. Nixon. I know that it doesn't always get the attention that Mother's Day does, but perhaps that's appropriate since a lot of fathers are somewhat "aw shucks" about being the center of attention. I also know that there are plenty of fathers that are not there in the life of their offspring, so that figures in, too.
I was a lucky one. My dad was there and was a fine dad; surely deserving of extra attention at least one day each year. He was a pretty good dad, too, considering that he had to make it up as he went along. He didn't have the example of his father who died when my dad was only eight. He lost his grandfather the next day after that, too. So, he was taken in by a kind relative and was pretty much a grown-up from then on. However, even though he had never experienced the love and attention and advice and unconditional love from a dad, he did a pretty good job of giving that to us, his children. I credit my mom with teaching him how to be a loving person. She said once to me that he was pretty "hard" when they first got married, and that she had to show him that it was okay to be softer. He was a devoted father, and we all knew how much he loved us. He was tough sometimes, but we also knew that he still loved us anyway.
I read from some commentator that Father's Day is an "awkward" holiday, celebrated inconsistently by people from 1910 until, finally in 1972, it was designated an official holiday in a bill signed by Pres. Nixon. I know that it doesn't always get the attention that Mother's Day does, but perhaps that's appropriate since a lot of fathers are somewhat "aw shucks" about being the center of attention. I also know that there are plenty of fathers that are not there in the life of their offspring, so that figures in, too.
I was a lucky one. My dad was there and was a fine dad; surely deserving of extra attention at least one day each year. He was a pretty good dad, too, considering that he had to make it up as he went along. He didn't have the example of his father who died when my dad was only eight. He lost his grandfather the next day after that, too. So, he was taken in by a kind relative and was pretty much a grown-up from then on. However, even though he had never experienced the love and attention and advice and unconditional love from a dad, he did a pretty good job of giving that to us, his children. I credit my mom with teaching him how to be a loving person. She said once to me that he was pretty "hard" when they first got married, and that she had to show him that it was okay to be softer. He was a devoted father, and we all knew how much he loved us. He was tough sometimes, but we also knew that he still loved us anyway.
Here he is with the first two kids,
the beginning of the six daughters and two sons.
He's wearing the "uniform" I remember him for---irrigation boots and a straw hat.
We're up to six of us here. Just two more to go.
Note the "farmer's tan"---duh, why do you think it's called that?
Our one and only overnight vacation.
We got our tall genes from our dad.
Baby number eight was on the way, that's why
my mom is taking the photo and not in it.
He loved to raise beautiful horses.
This particular one was also extremely patient
and long-suffering.
That is baby number eight squeezed in there on his lap.
This is grandchild number one. It was pretty awesome for him to be a
grandfather. The saddest thing is that he didn't get to enjoy that role
very long, here on earth. We'd only delivered the first 18 while he was
still living. We ended up with 33 altogether finally. But, he met those
other ones in heaven before we did.
Dad #2
The second dad we honor today, is CoolGuy, the father of our family. He
wasn't all that sure he was ready to be "dad" when we first married. But
once we decided, he was awesome! He was ahead of his time in the
"hands-on" category. He was never reluctant to change diapers, or wipe
up barf, or do dishes, or laundry, or cook, or clean. That's why when
friends would laugh that one reason they gave birth in the hospital was
to have a little vacation, I'd just smile and say that CoolGuy gave me
one at home. He would take off work and do everything for the first
three or four days, just so I'd stay down and rest. He knew he'd have to
enforce it. But, it was also really nice to have everyone in the same
place and not be splitting time between the hospital and home. Here are
some cool fatherhood shots across the years.
Middle School graduation, 1992?
The boys altogether in 1984.
Hiking in the canyon by the beach 1994ish.
Going to work, or coming home from work--1993?
He's loving Grandpa Time, too.
Pool time
Looking at the ocean
Card sharks
More pool time--Night Swimming!
Friday, May 01, 2015
Happy May 1st!
I celebrated by going swimming! First Swim of the Season! It was chilly, but excellent after I just got right in and started to swim. The ocean is colder. It felt great! I'm going back in tomorrow.
Today, in Las Vegas, it was weirdly humid. We were on the playground at 9:45 A.M. to have our Friday flag ceremony, (we have a delayed start time on Fridays) and my class was in charge. So, I hurried up there with all the stuff we use, signs and banners with our motto and stuff on them, and stepped outside to a blast of sticky hot air. It was a flashback to mid-summer Maryland. probably wasn't THAT humid. But it was bad enough that sweat was running down my face and neck, and all my little students were red-faced and complaining.
It didn't improve by the time I went out to cross children over the street, as is my job after school. When I finally left for home at 6:00 P.M. I was so sweaty and sticky that I knew this would be the day I was going to go swimming. It's just a little bonus that it is the first day of May. It was still 95 degrees and humid, and that cool water felt superb! Summer is coming!
P.S. Today's date is: 5-1-15. Now turn it's still 5-1-15. Neato!
Today, in Las Vegas, it was weirdly humid. We were on the playground at 9:45 A.M. to have our Friday flag ceremony, (we have a delayed start time on Fridays) and my class was in charge. So, I hurried up there with all the stuff we use, signs and banners with our motto and stuff on them, and stepped outside to a blast of sticky hot air. It was a flashback to mid-summer Maryland. probably wasn't THAT humid. But it was bad enough that sweat was running down my face and neck, and all my little students were red-faced and complaining.
It didn't improve by the time I went out to cross children over the street, as is my job after school. When I finally left for home at 6:00 P.M. I was so sweaty and sticky that I knew this would be the day I was going to go swimming. It's just a little bonus that it is the first day of May. It was still 95 degrees and humid, and that cool water felt superb! Summer is coming!
P.S. Today's date is: 5-1-15. Now turn it's still 5-1-15. Neato!
Monday, April 27, 2015
I Will Love to See this Temple...
I went up to the Star Valley, Wyoming Temple groundbreaking ceremony over the weekend. It was a very quick trip. I flew into Salt Lake City Friday around 11:00 A.M. My sister picked me up and we left for Wyoming. We hung out with my youngest sister, who lives there, and then went out to eat. The next morning, I was the one who volunteered to stay with our chairs and our other sister dropped me off. Two of them went to a viewing for a man who was a dear friend of our parents. Then, we all rendezvoused back at the alfalfa field for the event. We had one brother, and four sisters there, plus a couple of in-laws and a niece. And...a large assortment of ancestors, I came to realize during the opening prayer.
The temple is being built on a section of my mom's cousin's farm. We were sitting in a hay field all day, which I think is entirely appropriate. I spent so much of my growing up years in hay fields on my dad's farm, and it is symbolic of all the work done by so many people who settled there, and the generations who came after them. My sister-in-law's house is in the mouth of the little canyon just up from the temple site. So, we're feeling rather connected to the whole place.
It's going to be quite pretty, of course, I don't think they make unattractive temples! But what I really like is how it mimics the the old tabernacle (also called the stake center) in our home town of Afton. The single steeple and the square corners bear a strong resemblance.
It was a lovely day, eventually. We awoke to several inches of new snow. But no one was too surprised, because up there in the mountains, it can snow at any time, in any month. But, in a couple of hours that snow had all melted. As I waited there with our chairs, chatting with old friends and new friends, I experienced hail, snow, rain and finally, sunshine. But, seriously, during the ceremony, it was just so pleasant I almost worried about getting sunburned.
Here's one of my favorite public photos of the whole thing:
The dad, on the middle horse, is a dentist who lives there. I chatted with him a bit. He basically became a dentist so he could afford to be a cowboy in his off-work time. He grew up in the cowboy life, a few miles away in Idaho, and wanted to give a rural upbringing to his children. He loves Star Valley, and just thought it would be fun to come on horseback. They had great seats, of course.
This is the view on Friday night, before any of the people came to put up their chairs. Below, is a photo of the shovels, all lined and ready to go. (No, I don't know this kid, but he was as pleased to be there as I was.)
How muddy was it, out there in that field? Well, here's how my boots looked when we got back to my sister's house for lunch. But, we scrubbed them off, and bagged them up and I think I can still wear them. At least I thought to wear boots. I was feeling sad for the girls who showed up in their cute flats.
So, anyway, we had a lovely day, and after a nice lunch with the four sisters at home, two of us got back in her car and drove the four hours back to Salt Lake City that evening. After a short night's sleep, I had a flight home to Las Vegas on Sunday morning at 9:00 A.M. and I walked into my own church at 10:40 to begin playing the prelude music for our ward conference meeting. Whew! (Don't forget that I traveled from Mountain Daylight Time to Pacific Daylight Time--it wasn't a super-sonic jet.) It was a breathless weekend, but totally worth it. I'll plan to stay longer in a couple of years, when they're having the open-house and dedication. The angel-ancestors will be thronging the place, again, I'm sure. I know all their descendants will be!
The temple is being built on a section of my mom's cousin's farm. We were sitting in a hay field all day, which I think is entirely appropriate. I spent so much of my growing up years in hay fields on my dad's farm, and it is symbolic of all the work done by so many people who settled there, and the generations who came after them. My sister-in-law's house is in the mouth of the little canyon just up from the temple site. So, we're feeling rather connected to the whole place.
It's going to be quite pretty, of course, I don't think they make unattractive temples! But what I really like is how it mimics the the old tabernacle (also called the stake center) in our home town of Afton. The single steeple and the square corners bear a strong resemblance.
It was a lovely day, eventually. We awoke to several inches of new snow. But no one was too surprised, because up there in the mountains, it can snow at any time, in any month. But, in a couple of hours that snow had all melted. As I waited there with our chairs, chatting with old friends and new friends, I experienced hail, snow, rain and finally, sunshine. But, seriously, during the ceremony, it was just so pleasant I almost worried about getting sunburned.
Here's one of my favorite public photos of the whole thing:
The dad, on the middle horse, is a dentist who lives there. I chatted with him a bit. He basically became a dentist so he could afford to be a cowboy in his off-work time. He grew up in the cowboy life, a few miles away in Idaho, and wanted to give a rural upbringing to his children. He loves Star Valley, and just thought it would be fun to come on horseback. They had great seats, of course.
This is the view on Friday night, before any of the people came to put up their chairs. Below, is a photo of the shovels, all lined and ready to go. (No, I don't know this kid, but he was as pleased to be there as I was.)
How muddy was it, out there in that field? Well, here's how my boots looked when we got back to my sister's house for lunch. But, we scrubbed them off, and bagged them up and I think I can still wear them. At least I thought to wear boots. I was feeling sad for the girls who showed up in their cute flats.
So, anyway, we had a lovely day, and after a nice lunch with the four sisters at home, two of us got back in her car and drove the four hours back to Salt Lake City that evening. After a short night's sleep, I had a flight home to Las Vegas on Sunday morning at 9:00 A.M. and I walked into my own church at 10:40 to begin playing the prelude music for our ward conference meeting. Whew! (Don't forget that I traveled from Mountain Daylight Time to Pacific Daylight Time--it wasn't a super-sonic jet.) It was a breathless weekend, but totally worth it. I'll plan to stay longer in a couple of years, when they're having the open-house and dedication. The angel-ancestors will be thronging the place, again, I'm sure. I know all their descendants will be!
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