Monday, February 04, 2008

Weather Whine

How many of you just assumed that Las Vegas was balmy all year round? I mean--except when it's super-hot in the summer? Lots of people do! I knew that it can get cold in the winter before I moved here because I've driven through it in the winter, and it is 2300 feet in elevation after all, so it will get chilly in December and January.

BUT...this is getting extremely tiresome. It has been really darn cold for two entire months now. Yesterday, Cool Guy pointed out that the weather on the western shore of the Chesapeake Bay (where he has been for two weeks) was warmer, the low & the high, than we had here in the desert. Blah. I don't like to shiver. I don't like to wear coats. I don't even like sweaters. It hasn't been above 50 degrees in weeks and weeks and the wind has been blowing and it is unpleasant and yucky. The lows are just above 30 every morning.

I know, I know---"waaaa"--you're saying there in your actual cold weather climate. But you expect prolonged cold temperatures and freezing and wind chill and all that. We people who live in the land of palm trees and swimming pools will tolerate it for about a month and then, by golly, it had better start getting back toward 70 and 80 again soon. Or else....or else....well...nothing. At least I'm not shoveling my measly 50 degrees off the driveway so I can go to work. Okay, I'll keep my whining to myself. Sorry.


FoxyJ said...

Yeah, when we moved here everyone told us that there are "mild winters" here. And we don't get snow like in many other places on the same latitude. But, we get Arctic cold and it's very damp. I'm tired of the bone-chilling cold too!

SenecaSis said...

Well, I won't call you a whiner--if you don't call me one.

We've been having LOTS and LOTS of cold days and nights here in the middle of the Pacific over the past month or so. We've been down to the low and mid-sixties. Brrrrr! And I'm being serious. This is flannel jammie and socks-to-bed weather. All this in combination with continuous rain and flash flood watches.

So I understand your whining.