Thursday, September 27, 2007


I don't know the significance of this information but it has caused me to ponder it all week.
Last Friday in our fourth grade team meeting, it was revealed, as an aside, the ages of each of my co-workers.

I have two children who are older than any of my three partners. Hmm.

#1 It made me realize that I am old.
#2 It made me realize that my kids are also old. Well, I mean, full-grown adults. But that's not to say that I didn't know that. It's just that it seemed more concrete.
#3 It made me appreciate them (my co-workers) even more because they don't treat me like an old lady, but as a peer.

Then one of my sisters had a round-number birthday and she said something about having only about 20 years left, and it really stunned me. The previous twenty years seems to have just zoomed by in a flash. If in twenty years we're done...or at least she is---I could be too--well then, well then...I don't know what. It just seems too much to think about.

Anyway--that's the data for the week. I don't know what it all means. But it seemed significant.

1 comment:

Science Teacher Mommy said...

Milestones do give us pause. Last year when I taught school, my students were born the year I graduated from high school. For a long time I had a real "in" with my students because I was so young. I started to really feel the generation gap last year. You must be very young at heart to still enjoy your job after the passage of "so much" time. I am sure when we are eternal beings we will look back with much laughter about how important years once seemed.